Canadians Inspired at Youth Training Course
By Richard Lim, Calgary
SGI youth training course participants from Canada
Eight SGI Canada representatives attended the 2019 SGI Youth Training Course in Japan from August 27-September 3. Though the training course is now complete but our spirit has been deeply reignited with SGI President Ikeda's heart and our bond of mentor and disciple has become an even “deeper bluer than the indigo plant itself.”
This training course spurred the eight of us, representing Canada, to open our hearts like the vast skies of the prairies to the 270 participants from 65 countries around the world. We received guidance that the youth of today are The New Human Revolution generation. We play a pivotal role in fostering not only the youth but also the younger members of the Future Division to ensure the mentor and disciple spirit continues through to the 22nd and even the 23rd century. As one participant said: “We awakened simultaneously to the realization that in striving to foster the younger generation, we will become more capable leaders ourselves. Supporting the younger members fills us up with hope and courage, and joy!”
Bearing in mind that we are the youth of Canada, we chanted and chanted vigorously with steadfast unity at the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu. We also visited Soka University and Makiguchi Memorial Hall.
We capped off our training by having sincere and joyous exchange meetings with the members in Yokosuka in Kanagawa district where we chanted "Yokosuka Canada with Sensei" in rhythm with the local members and exchanged gifts with the Future Division members. Of the many touching moments during the exchange, one of the representative youth from Vancouver, Megumi Takahashi, shared her experience of overcoming cancer through her practice at an early age. Another was meeting the woman who had made origami leis for all eight of us to wear at the district meeting. One participant added: “This training course was a life-changing experience for me. The exchanges we had with local members, SGI staff and the youth from around the world allowed me to understand what it really means to be a disciple with the same heart and vow as our mentor.”
I’ve learned that the sincerity and all-out effort that the members displayed comes from the behaviour and actions of the mentor. President Ikeda never wasted any moment to encourage others, he exerted "a year's worth of effort in a day" for worldwide kosen-rufu.
As the training course came to an end, each of us determined to return to our local communities to chant to win in the morning by infusing our prayers with the spirit of "I will become the one true disciple of Sensei" and "Today, I will strive with Sensei" to be victorious until the very end of our lives.
Another participant concluded: “By deepening my own faith, I feel determined and clear on what I must do to transform my life and advance kosen-rufu in Canada. This training course has filled my heart with immense hope and courage.”