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SGI Canada Newsletter, No. 107 - June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

SGI Canada Newsletter

Issue no. 107

June 14, 2024


Welcome to the 107th issue of the SGI Canada Newsletter, a bi-weekly summary of news, upcoming events and encouragement. If you are not subscribing to the SGI Canada Newsletter, you may do so by clicking on the button below. Subscriptions are free of charge, and the SGI Canada Newsletter will be emailed directly to you.




“Bestowing a Jewelled Crown of Hope on the Emissaries from the Future” 

In his June 2024 editorial in Daibyakurenge,  Soka Gakkai President Harada writes about the respect with which Ikeda Sensei treated members of the Young Phoenix group (in Japan known as the High School division): 

Nurturing our Future Division members is a most sacred endeavour that will shape the next generation.

This month marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the high school division, on June 7, 1964. At the time, President Ikeda was devoting all his energies to fostering its members. When a top leader suggested there were other priorities to attend to, he responded firmly: “In another 30 or 40 years, the significance of what I’m doing now will become clear.”

His conviction also took the form of a readiness to take action. This translated into visiting and encouraging the “young phoenixes” of the Future Division everywhere he went. Many of these young members who received President Ikeda’s encouragement have risen up to become leaders in the Soka Gakkai and in society. The noble drama of their lives attests to the truth of the Daishonin’s words, “If a teacher has a good disciple, both will gain the fruit of Buddhahood” (WND-1, 909).

President Ikeda’s nurturing of the Future Division was based upon trust. He put his whole life into every interaction with young people, respecting each as an individual. It was as if he was engaging in a solemn yet cheerful ceremony in which he bestowed a jewelled crown of hope upon every one of them. 

The complete editorial will appear in the July 2024 New Century.


“Dialogue for Peace” in July!

SGI Canada districts will become centres of “Dialogue for Peace” in July!

On their discussion meeting day, districts will be talking about the internationally-accepted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and what each of us can do to help achieve them. Part of the meeting will include panels from “Seeds of Hope and Action”, the exhibition created by SGI and Earth Charter International.

As of today, district leaders are receiving everything they need, including instructions and an online presentation.

This will be a great opportunity to invite young friends and family to learn about SGI’s efforts to create a peaceful and respectful world.

To find out more about the Sustainable Development Goals:


To view the “Seeds of Hope and Action” exhibit:



We hope you found this newsletter beneficial. Please email your questions or comments to contact@sgicanada.org. Please note that the next SGI Canada Newsletter will appear on June 28, 2024. See you then!