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SGI Canada Newsletter, No. 108 - June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

SGI Canada Newsletter

Issue no. 108

June 28, 2024


Welcome to the 108th issue of the SGI Canada Newsletter, a bi-weekly summary of news, upcoming events and encouragement. If you are not subscribing to the SGI Canada Newsletter, you may do so by clicking on the button below. Subscriptions are free of charge, and the SGI Canada Newsletter will be emailed directly to you.




“Let the Flame of Truth and Justice Burn Brightly!”

In his July 2024 editorial in Daibyakurenge,  Soka Gakkai President Harada describes the spirit of July 3, Mentor-Disciple Day:

On this day of release

and of imprisonment

are to be found the bonds

of mentor and disciple.

President Ikeda penned this poem in tribute to the solemn history of mentor and disciple that played out on July 3.

His mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda, who had been imprisoned by Japan’s militarist government, was released on July 3, 1945. Determined to vindicate his own mentor, first president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, who had died in prison, Mr. Toda rose up alone to undertake the struggle for kosen-rufu to alleviate people’s suffering.

Twelve years later, on July 3, 1957, his disciple Daisaku Ikeda was arrested and imprisoned on the unfounded charge of violating the Public Offices Election Law. After he was released on July 17, he spoke at the Osaka Rally,[1] declaring: “Final victory belongs to those who strive tenaciously in faith!” He was subsequently able to publicly demonstrate his innocence in the trial that followed.

Our goal of kosen-rufu is a relentless struggle against the devilish nature of authority that inflicts suffering on ordinary people, and the establishment of a history of the victory of the people. It is opening the way to a century of peace and happiness where everyone can shine, through the power of each individual.

President Ikeda’s heartfelt wish was for young people to carry on this noble dedication to kosen-rufu. That is why, many years ago, when I was the national student division leader, President Ikeda presented a representative of the student division with a decorative card inscribed with the above poem.

[1] Osaka Rally: A Soka Gakkai rally held to protest the unjust detention of President Ikeda, then Soka Gakkai youth division chief of staff, by the Osaka District Prosecutor’s Office. It was convened at the Nakanoshima Civic Hall in Osaka on July 17, 1957, the day of President Ikeda’s release after two weeks of interrogation by authorities.


The complete editorial will appear in the August 2024 New Century.


Congratulations to the Young Lions!

Young Lions Group members have been holding lively General Meetings across Canada since the beginning of June.

Young Lions Group General Meeting, Ottawa-Gatineau,
June 23, 2024.

Happy “Mentor-disciple Day”!

As described in President Harada’s editorial above, Mentor-Disciple Day (July 3) commemorates the eternal bond between the first three presidents of the Soka Gakkai: Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Josei Toda and Daisaku Ikeda.

Please note that SGI Canada will not be holding commemorative meetings on the first Sunday of the month (July 7). We hope that districts will use that day to visit members and guests in preparation for the “Dialogue for Peace” event (see below). 

“Dialogue for Peace” in July!

SGI Canada districts will soon become centres of “Dialogue for Peace”!

On their discussion meeting day in July, districts will be talking about the power of one person to create change, as seen in the SGI exhibit “Seeds of Hope and Action” which highlights the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

District leaders have received lots of resources for “Dialogue for Peace”, including instructions and an online presentation.

This will be a great opportunity to invite young friends and family to learn about SGI’s efforts to create a peaceful and respectful world.

To view the “Seeds of Hope and Action” exhibit:


To find out more about the Sustainable Development Goals:



We hope you found this newsletter beneficial. Please email your questions or comments to contact@sgicanada.org. Please note that the next SGI Canada Newsletter will appear on July 12, 2024. See you then!