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SGI Canada Newsletter, No. 111 - August 9, 2024

August 9, 2024

SGI Canada Newsletter

Issue no. 111

August 9, 2024


Welcome to the 111th issue of the SGI Canada Newsletter, a bi-weekly summary of news, upcoming events and encouragement. If you are not subscribing to the SGI Canada Newsletter, you may do so by clicking on the button below. Subscriptions are free of charge, and the SGI Canada Newsletter will be emailed directly to you.




“Positive Encounters Enrich Our Lives!” 

In his August 2024 editorial in Daibyakurenge, Soka Gakkai President Harada writes about the significance of our relationship with our mentor: 

Our lives are determined by the people we encounter. President Ikeda was a true leader of the people who more than anyone valued each individual connection once formed. Above all, he treasured the “mystic bond” between him and his mentor, Josei Toda, regarding it as his life’s greatest honour. 

This perfectly united mentor and disciple first met on August 14, 1947. President Ikeda often described that moment as having determined the rest of his life. 

In The New Human Revolution, which President Ikeda began and finished writing on August 6 [in 1993 and 2018, respectively], he depicted on several occasions the moment in August 1954, now seven decades ago, when Mr. Toda entrusted worldwide kosen-rufu to him as they both gazed out to sea from the beach at Atsuta: “You must illuminate Asia and the entire world with the light of the Mystic Law. You must do this in my place.” President Ikeda engraved these words of his mentor on his young heart and made them a reality. The path of disciples is to expand the ranks of Bodhisattvas of the Earth around the world and into the next generation to build an unshakable foundation for lasting peace. 

President Ikeda used to liken the relationship between mentor and disciple to that between needle and thread. The mentor is the needle and the disciple the thread. When sewing, the needle leads the way through the cloth, but in the end it is the thread that remains and holds everything together. He showed us through his own example the way of life of a value-creating disciple—taking on the mentor’s thoughts and actions as one’s own. 

The complete editorial will appear in the October 2024 New Century


Men’s Group General Meetings

Men’s Group General Meetings will be held throughout August and September with the theme of “Building Strong Connections Through Dialogue”. Please ask your local leaders about the meeting closest to you.

In his message published in the August New Century, SGI Canada Men’s Leader Ian Mattinson highlights Sensei’s guidance from volume 21 of The New Human Revolution:

The sun of Nichiren Buddhism has begun to rise above the distant horizon. Rather than seeking after your own praise or glory, I hope that you will dedicate your noble lives to sowing the seeds of peace of the Mystic Law throughout the entire world. I shall do the same. At times I will lead in the forefront, at other times I shall stand by your side, and at still other times, I will watch over you from behind the scenes. I will always be supporting you with all my heart.  (The New Human Revolution v.21, “SGI chapter”, p.33) 

Changes to Monthly Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP) starting on October 1, 2024

If you are using monthly Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP) to pay for your publication subscriptions or to make financial contributions to SGI Canada, please note that the following changes will take effect on October 1, 2024:

We thank you for your continued support and understanding.


New podcast available for Study Exam material!

The SGI Canada Study Department has prepared a podcast for part of the study material for the Level 2 Study Exam.

The podcast introduces President Ikeda’s lecture on “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land”. It is available in English, French, Cantonese and Mandarin. A script of the podcast is also available.

To access the podcasts and the scripts, please go to:


Please note that the podcast covers President Ikeda’s lecture, but not the study material from chapters of The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism. Please see below for the full list of study material for the exam. 


Upcoming events 

Study Exam in October  


Registration for the SGI Canada Level 2 Study Exam is now open. 

The exam will be held on Sunday, October 27, 2024 and will be offered in English, French and Chinese. Everyone who passed the 2019 Basics Exam or the 2023 Level 1 Introductory Exam is eligible to write the Level 2 exam in October. 

You can register for the exam by completing the short form at: https://forms.gle/mBu4gexhoC6yYEyb8 

or by using the QR Code below: 

Anyone wishing to write the exam must first register.  

Study Materials 

The study materials for the Level 2 Exam are:

PDF File

The Level 2 Exam materials are now available in PDF format with highlighted key passages. You can obtain the PDF file through your local district leaders. 

Printed Versions

The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism for the New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu is available from the SGI Canada Online Bookstore and local SGI Canada bookstores in English, French and Chinese. It is also available online in English and Chinese at the Soka Gakkai Global website: sokaglobal.org/resources/study-materials/buddhist-study/the-basics-of-nichiren-buddhism-for-the-new-era-of-worldwide-kose-rufu.html

President Ikeda’s lecture on the Gosho “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land” is contained in the August issue of NEW CENTURY. 

More information about the exam is available on the SGI Canada website at:



We hope you found this newsletter beneficial. Please email your questions or comments to contact@sgicanada.org. Please note that the next SGI Canada Newsletter will appear on August 23, 2024. See you then!