SGI Canada Celebrates Soka Gakkai Founding Day
By Dwight Rudisuela, Ottawa
Outremont District in Montreal
In November, to commemorate November 18, Soka Gakkai Founding Day, SGI Canada held general meetings in every district across the country. Fresh on the heels of completing the recent district exams on the study of Buddhism, these meetings were alive with the sharing of experiences with the practice of Buddhism, singing and many enjoyable activities. New practitioners were especially welcomed to join SGI Canada.
In the months leading up to one meeting, practitioners chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo abundantly and engaged themselves in home visits for its success. Due to increasing numbers, some districts had to split their celebrations into smaller groups as not everyone could be accommodated in one home. At one meeting, a woman shared her struggle with taking care of her elderly parents and how the practice gave her the strength and protection to see her through tough times.
Rising Sun District in Toronto
In SGI President Ikeda’s editorial for November, which was read at the meetings, he praised the district meetings as joyous gatherings from which we can set forth energized and refreshed.
Practitioners from across Canada are looking forward to 2020 named the “Year of Advancement and Capable People" where the joy of practising Buddhism will become more and more prominent in society.
ChaChaCha Chapter in Calgary
Kanata District in Ottawa
Marine District in Vancouver