SGI Leaders Visit Atlantic Area
By Dwight Rudisuela, Ottawa
Halifax meeting (Photographed by Glenn Turner)
On the October 18-20 weekend, SGI Canada Women’s Leader Helen Izumi-Choi and Eastern Region leaders Glenn Turner and Monica Bachmann visited Halifax and Moncton.
In Halifax, bureau chief Nick LoPresti reports that the leaders’ visit was very encouraging for everyone. They had discussions with the Halifax leaders, conducted personal guidance with several practitioners and attended a general meeting with everyone. The general meeting included discussion groups for men, women and youth. These discussions were very engaging and brought out several very interesting and encouraging experiences using the practice of Nichiren Buddhism. Being able to have informal face-to-face conversations was very helpful in creating bonds of friendship geared toward advancing kosen-rufu. It was particularly memorable for everyone to meet Glenn on his first trip to Halifax since being appointed as Eastern Region Coordinator.
In Moncton, District Coordinator Masako Nakao said, "We will never know how much we appreciate the visit by Helen, Monica and Glenn, using their time, energy and effort for encouraging us to stand up for kosen-rufu. In answering the question ‘What is true compassion?’ from one practitioner, Helen encouraged us warmly and wholeheartedly to spread in friendship the value of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the sake of our friends’ happiness and for the sake of future generations. Those of us, who had been challenged with personal obstacles, were moved and felt awakened as true Bodhisattvas of the Earth, as if SGI President Ikeda was there encouraging us. Like little ripples making big waves, we are now determined to start fresh to make a difference in our lives and the community!”
Moncton (Photographed by Glenn Turner)