Personal Experiences
Showing Actual Proof in My Life
Living in a repetitious pattern of mental and emotional suffering, Ryan Nother finds the way to transform his lifeHaving “The Lofty Spirit of Hope!”
As a psychiatric nurse, Emily Dunn supports her patients by using her Buddhist practice to create hope during the pandemicMastering My Mind
Growing up around the practice, Angela Wong triumphs over challenges with her strong-rooted faithTransforming the Poison of My Illness into the Medicine of Joy
Going through cancer enabled Fukue Yamada to recognize profound benefits in her lifePeace and Security through Steady Practice
Practising Buddhism for over 30 years, Analeata Turney continues to experience good fortune in her life.Making a Vow Turns Karma into Mission
Chika Ono’s vow for kosen-rufu leads to an unexpected challenge and a more profound victory.I Found the Best Way to Live
In his 37 years of Buddhist practice, Glenn Turner realized the purpose of his life.Finding a Dream and Conquering Doubt
Harold Hunter learns how to apply the practice that had been in his life from childhood and throws his full life force into creating victory.Buddhism, Health and Time Management
Ayako Ochi was willing to sacrifice her time and even her sleep to accomplish things, until her Buddhist practice showed her the value of good health and the way to achieve it.
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